Hey, There!
I’m Ty.

Welcome to my page! I’m a proud Detroit girl, born and raised on the East side of Detroit. I’m old enough to have seen it all, but young enough to just be beginning!

I’m a city girl with a southern heart. A whole family woman, my four grown kids – two girls and two boys – keep me on my toes. I have four grand and holding and nope the madness doesn’t stop there! In addition, I have 2 parrots (who are smarter than a kindergartener) and a mini golden ball of energy! I’ve experienced the joy and pain of marriage and divorce and little of everything in between. 

Professionally speaking, I’ve writing and acting since I can remember. This has been not only my escape but my therapy. Writing is a powerful tool. Acting is making those powerful words visible. So when life is living, I escape.

Speaking of life, I’ve experienced it all – the highs, the lows, and everything in between. From the dreaded “church hurt” to physical and emotional losses, from successes to failures, and sadly even abuse and sexual assault. The list is long, my friends, but hey, I’m still standing! I believe there’s a lesson to be learned in everything we go through, and somehow, I’ve always managed to come out on the winning side.

You see, there’s never a dull moment over here in my world. I can almost hear my mama’s voice, like it’s happening in real-time, saying, “Tonya, what are you doing now? You’re always up to something!” Rest easy, mama, because your girl is still making moves. And since I can no longer come over to make you laugh or share my ups and downs, I’ve decided to share it all with the world. Yeah, you were just that larger than life.

So here I am, ready to spill the tea and share the craziness, the fun, the social shenanigans, and everything else life has to offer. Oh, and in case you’re curious and want to dig deeper into the enigma that is TY Dallas, I’ve even answered a few newsworthy questions for your entertainment.

What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?

The most adventurous thing I’ve ever done was on a whim, I decided to jump in the car with my son and meet up with my best friend and family in a cabin in the mountains of Tennessee. It had always been on my “life list” I don’t do buckets, to go zip lining. So I chose to do it right over the breathtaking mountains of Tennessee.

How did you get into acting, writing, performing, and coaching?

I’ve always been the entertainer of my family. With my siblings and in private family or intimate sessions. Years ago, I auditioned for the role of *Addapearl, the good witch, in “The Wiz” at the Butzel Recreational center. I landed the role and my toddler girls were little munchkins. The play made it onto Barden cable, which was a proud moment for me and my family. That’s when I realized the acting bug had bitten me. 

What's your favorite role or performance you've ever been apart of?

Life started lifing and I started working at Wayne State University at the Law school while attending classes part-time. During my Africana studies class, a Professional Storyteller came to visit and she randomly chose me to act out a story with her. I remember coming back to my seat and seeing tears in my co-worker and friend’s eyes. She told me, “You are a fool!” I took that as a beautiful compliment. After class, the performer called me down and suggested I give *STORYTELLERING a try professionally. I took her advice and ended up touring with the Michigan Humanities Touring Council across the state. My favorite stop was a place I loved, the DIA. After one of my performances, an agent approached me, gave me her card, and expressed interest in representing me. At first, I chuckled, thinking that these things only happened in the movies. The agent gave me a serious look and I quickly realized it wasn’t a joke.I signed.

I’ve always had a passion for writing and have kept detailed journals since the days of diaries. I write about everything from my children to ***lol not my) romantic experiences. 

My all-time favorite role has to be when I had the opportunity to be a featured extra on the set of “Demoted.” It was a five-week experience with some of the most talented actors and crew I’ve ever encountered. The veteran actors took us “secretary chicks” under their wings and taught us all the ins and outs of the industry. Aside from the amazing craft services and a great company, the fact that it was a comedy made it even more enjoyable. David Cross, in particular, had us laughing both on and off camera throughout the entire filming process.

Can you share any funny or memorable moments from your acting or performing career?

One funny moment on the set of Demoted stands out. I have a knack for making facial expressions, and during a scene where an exploding toilet was involved, I caught eyes with my BF who was also on set. For some unknown reason, I made a face, causing her to burst out laughing and break character. Luckily, we hadn’t started filming yet, so we were able to regroup and continue after a good laugh.

The most memorable experience was working on the movie Little Murder, the only film I almost didn’t get paid for. It was eventually released in 2011, as the Ghost of New Orleans. Despite the drama surrounding payment and lawsuits after filming, the night itself was unforgettable. The shoot took place at a bar in Detroit, and it was a party scene. When Terrance Howard arrived to film his part, he completely changed my perception of him. He treated every extra like they were family, greeting each one with warmth and genuine kindness. At one point, he even had a mini jam session, playing the guitar and creating an amazing atmosphere. Some of the crew members were visibly upset due to the time it took, but for me, it was a truly memorable moment. And let’s not forget the bag lunch they gave us at 3am. That was funny!

Can you share any behind-the-scenes stories from your acting or performing experiences?

One of the best behind-the-scenes moments I’ve had was during my son’s audition. Back when DVDs were popular, we often traveled to auditions, which could be exhausting. On this particular occasion, I found a classic Cosby Kids DVD for $5 at Walmart. While my son was inside the audition room, I was left waiting outside but could hear everything. There were six people in the small room, including agents and producers. I overheard them asking my son his name, making him comfortable, and then someone asked if he could sing. To my surprise, he confidently said yes. I internally panicked, thinking he couldn’t actually sing. However, he started singing a song from the DVD, and they loved it. The interesting thing is, even though the parents had already been chosen, they liked my son so much that they created a part specifically for him as the main character’s best friend. Every time I saw that commercial I thought of that.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received about pursuing your passions?

The best piece of advice I’ve received in this industry is simple: have fun. The fields I work in, especially acting and voiceovers, often come with a lot of stress. My former acting coach Chris Bondy used to say that it takes around 25 auditions to land a role, and hearing “no” becomes part of the job. Fortunately, I’ve come to understand that many rejections have nothing to do with my talent. Once I let go of the anxiety and stress and focused on having fun, I realized it was the best advice for me.

Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies that people might not know about?

While my hidden talents are still under wraps, I have a variety of hobbies that bring me joy. I love warm weather, taking long walks, fishing, photography, painting, writing, gardening, and being an animal lover. I have a dog and two parrots. Additionally, I enjoy sports, reading, traveling, and surrounding myself with positive and energetic people.

What’s your favorite type of writing to do?

As a Sagittarius, my favorite things can change depending on the day. I particularly enjoy writing fiction and exploring subjects that we often shy away from. I’ve never been drawn to mushy romance, instead seeking out different perspectives and experiences.

Have you ever had any interesting or unexpected encounters with fans or audience members?

It always surprises me when I run into a fan or audience member who recognizes me. I frequently receive calls from people who recognize my voice on the radio. Recently, my sister was approached by a man who thought he knew her from TV. She clarified that it was actually me, and I jokingly told her she should’ve taken a selfie with him and requested my autograph, as it may become valuable in the future. However, I quickly realized that wouldn’t be authentic.

What’s the most rewarding part of coaching others in their artistic pursuits?

The most fulfilling aspect of coaching is witnessing someone’s confidence or self-esteem go from zero to one hundred. That part! It’s like observing a caterpillar who yearns to become a butterfly. I love watching that shy timid person with just hope. Then one day out of nowhere with no warning is this beautiful creation. I don’t have to say “Oh my that was beautiful.” Because they can now see it for themselves. It’s magical! And then, they fly away to Hollywood or Atlanta. 😂 And you know what? I’m perfectly ok with that. My purpose has been fulfilled.

What do you have coming up?

 Whew, that’s a loaded question…

I try to make it my business to stay ready, relevant, and relatable. Professionally and personally. In this industry you have to stay tight lipped about present and future projects, but I can say I’m that I’m super excited about some big projects on the horizon. I’ll be sure to share right here as soon as I have the ok. 

You can also expect two book releases in 24! My debut novel Justice Ain’t Just and I’m a featured author in Cipher 2 a compilation of some amazing authors! I’m elated to be a part. I have a few prizes up my sleeve.